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New Phytol评论:理解跨界生物生态策略如何影响土壤碳循环

作者:土壤生态实验室 发稿时间:2024-11-25 访问次数:

近日,New Phytologist 刊登了美国生态学者Kane博士等的评论文章,题为 Toward understanding how cross-kingdom ecological strategies interactively influence soil carbon cycling(以下简称为该文”, Kane et al., 2024);该文对土壤生态学团队近期TREE的线虫性状工作(Zhang et al. 2024a)给予肯定,并着重对本团队刚刚在New Phytol发表的论文 An integrated fast–slow plant and nematode economics spectrum predicts soil organic carbon dynamics during natural restorationZhang et al. 2024b)进行专文评述,在研究意义、研究途径和潜在价值方面给予了高度评价。Kane博士等指出,随着气候变化问题日益严峻,土壤作为地球最大的碳库之一,其碳动态变化已成为科学界研究的重点和关注的热点;尽管大量研究提出土壤生物驱动循环的理论认识,但由于土壤生物相互作用极其复杂,因此,跨界生物或跨生物域的生物间相互作用如何决定土壤中碳动态变化的定量证据仍然难以明确Kane et al., 2024)。该文认为:本研究以一种新颖、独特且极具说服力的方式,揭示了植物、线虫与土壤微生物之间复杂的相互作用,以及这些作用如何决定土壤碳动态变化A recent publication by Zhang et al. in New Phytologist addresses this challenge in a compelling way by considering the ecological strategies of plants and nematodes interactively to explain soil carbon dynamics across a gradient of environmental conditions.)。

Kane博士等认为,我们在New Phytol上的研究(Zhang et al.  2024b)首次整合了植物和线虫的生态策略,全面地解释了生态恢复过程中土壤碳的动态变化,并且揭示了微生物碳利用效率在其中扮演的关键角色(The recent publication by Zhang et al. (2024b) is a significant contribution to this knowledge gap because it integrates nematode and plant ecological spectra across a gradient of environmental conditions and links this to microbial carbon use efficiency to explain soil carbon storage.)。评论文章认为,我们的研究以生态策略为切入点(Zhang et al. 2024a),聚焦于植物和线虫性状和生态策略在不同环境条件下对土壤碳动态变化的影响。该文提出:结合生态策略进行弹性的研究是极具创新和有价值的途径(Their approach is particularly novel and valuable because they not only consider the interactions between plants and nematodes across a gradient of environmental disturban but also connect this to microbial carbon cycling to explain soil carbon content.)。这一框架突破了传统仅关注单一生物群落的视角,创新性地整合多营养级相互作用,构建出更精确的碳循环模型,为基于自然的环境监测和调控方案提供了定量依据。此外,该文指出我们的研究框架具有广泛的应用潜力。例如将其融入气候模型可显著提高对土壤碳循环的预测精度,或将深刻改写我们对土壤碳循环的认知,并为生态恢复提供基于自然的解决方案(Kane et al., 2024)。

此外,该文还认为我们的研究不仅有助于填补当前的研究空白,而且为今后的研究开启了众多令人鼓舞的方向(The recent manuscript by Zhang et al. (2024) aids in filling key knowledge gaps, all while bringing to light exciting areas of future research.)。例如,未来可以结合土壤动物功能群的概念,深入探讨线虫营养类群在养分与碳循环中的关键地位(Kane et al., 2022),特别是将其与植物和微生物性状相结合以揭示更多潜在的机制。其次,建议将现有研究框架扩展至更广泛的微生物群落性状,尤其是纳入细菌、真菌和古菌等的生态策略(Malik et al., 2020),以探究这些微生物与植物及线虫的协同作用如何共同驱动土壤碳循环的变化。

总之,Kane博士等的评论文章最后总结并提出展望,强调我们的研究展示了全球变化生态学领域中一个迫切需求的例子——即定量地将植物和土壤生物之间的相互作用与土壤碳储量联系起来(All told, the new publication by Zhang et al. (2024b) showcases an elegant example of a pressing experimental need in the field of global change ecology – that is, to quantitatively relate interactions between plants and soil organisms to soil carbon storage.)。该文进一步提到,结合植物-土壤生物性状的研究途径将指引未来土壤生态学的发展方向,为将土壤生物纳入地球系统模型提供了光明的前景。未来研究有必要从跨生物域的视角出发,整合不同土壤生物的生态策略,以进一步推动全球碳循环的科学探索,为应对气候变化提供更加有力的理论依据。

该文作者为美国West Virginia UniversityJennifer L. Kane, Jie Hu 以及Binu Tripathi博士。论文链接:Kane JL, Hu J, Tripathi B. 2024. Toward understanding how cross-kingdom ecological strategies interactively influence soil carbon cycling. New Phytologist. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.20290


Kane JL, Kotcon JB, Freedman ZB, Morrissey EM. 2022. Fungivorous nematodes drive microbial diversity and carbon cycling in soil. Ecology 104: e3844.

Kane JL, Hu J,  Tripathi B. 2024. Toward understanding how cross‐kingdom ecological strategies interactively influence soil carbon cycling. New Phytologist, 10.1111/nph.20290.

Malik AA, Martiny JBH, Brodie EL, Martiny AC, Treseder KK, Allison SD. 2020. Defining trait-based microbial strategies with consequences for soil carbon cycling under climate change. ISME Journal 14: 1-9.

Zhang C, Wright IJ, Nielsen UN, Geisen S, Liu M. 2024a. Linking nematodes and ecosystem function: a trait-based framework. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 39: 644-653.

Zhang C, Zhu T, Nielsen UN, Wright IJ, Li N, Chen X, Liu M. 2024b. An integrated fast-slow plant and nematode economics spectrum predicts soil organic carbon dynamics during natural restoration. New Phytologist. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.20166


