李辉信 huixinli@njau.edu.cn博士、教授,博士生导师。1982~1989年在南京农业大学土壤学专业学习,分获学士和硕士学位;之后,留校任教。1993~1997年在职学习,于1997年获博士学位。1998.10~1999.9在日本千叶大学土壤研究室进行合作研究;2003.3~2003.9月在香港浸会大学合作研究;2008年1~3月在苏格兰作物研究所进行访问。现任土壤学科和生态学科教授,中国土壤学会土壤生态专业委员会副主任、江苏省土壤学会常务理事、江苏省生态学会理事;《土壤》杂志编委。主持国际合作项目1项,国家自然科学基金项目7项、国家星火计划1项、国家重点研发计划课题1项,其他省部级科研项目多项;参加 “863”项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、农业部行业性公益项目等十多项。以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文40多篇, 国内核心期刊100多篇。参与获江西省科技进步二等奖2项,国家教学成果二等奖1项。获国家发明专利8项。
1. Ting Liu# , Li Yu# , Mengsha Li, Jun Wu,Huixin Li∗, Joann K. Whalen∗, Feng Hu. Food familiarity does not change nematode feeding behavior. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2018, 125:136-141
2. Mengsha Li, Rui Guo, Fei Yu, Xu Chen, Haiyan Zhao,Huixin Li*and Jun Wu*. Indole-3-Acetic Acid Biosynthesis Pathways in the Plant-Beneficial Bacterium Arthrobacter pascens ZZ21. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 443; doi:10.3390/ijms19020443
3. Xianping Li, Chunliang Liu, He Zhao, Fei Gao, Guanning Ji, Feng Hu,Huixin Li*. Similar positive effects of beneficial bacteria, nematodes and earthworms on soil quality and productivity, Applied Soil Ecology,2018,130:202-208
4. Ting Liu, Li Yu, Jingjing Xu, Xiaomei Yan, Huixin Li*, Joann K. Whalen*, Feng Hu.Bacterial traits and quality contribute to the diet choice and survival of bacterial-feeding nematodes. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2017, 115:467-474
5. Lihao Zhang, Xiaochen Duan, Nannan He, Xu Chen, Jinli Shi, Weiming Li, Li Xu*,Huixin Li*.Exposure to lethal levels of benzo[a]pyrene or cadmium trigger distinct protein expression patterns in earthworms (Eisenia fetida). Science of the Total Environment, 2017,595: 733–742
6. Deng J J, Zhang Y L, Hu J W, Jiao J G, Hu F,Li H X*, Zhang S X. Autotoxicity of phthalate esters in tobacco root exudates: Effects on seed germination and seedling growth. Pedosphere, 2017, 27(6): 1073–1082
7. 邓家军,张仕祥,张富生,张艳玲,胡锋,李辉信*.烟草幼苗根系分泌自毒物质种类及 PAES对根系抗氧化性能的影响。生态学报,2017,37(2):495-504.
8. 穆静娟,焦加国,葛新成,刘满强,李根,胡锋,武俊,李辉信*.植物病原真菌广谱拮抗菌M29的筛选、鉴定及其抑菌机制。南京农业大学学报,2017,40 (1):84-92.
9. Ting Liu, Joann K. Whalen *, Wei Ran, Qirong Shen,Huixin Li*.Bottom-up control of fertilization on soil nematode communities differs between crop management regimes. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2016, 95: 198-201
10. Ting Liu, Xiaoyun Chen, Feng Hu, Wei Ran, Qirong Shen,Huixin Li,*, Joann K. Whalen*. Carbon-rich organic fertilizers to increase soil biodiversity: Evidence from a meta-analysis of nematode communities Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2016,232, 199–207
11. Liu, T., Whalen, J.K*, Shen, Q.,Li, H*. Increase in soil nematode abundance due to fertilization was consistent across moisture regimes in a paddy rice-upland wheat system. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2016, 72: 21-26
12. Ting LIU, Yong LI, Qirong SHEN,Huixin LI*, Joann K. WHALEN*. Soil nematode community response to fertilisation in the root-associated and bulk soils of a rice-wheat agroecosystem. Nematology, 2016,18: 727-741
13. Yanhong Cheng, Ying Jiang, Yue Wu, Tracy A. Valentine*,Huixin Li*. Soil Nitrogen Status Modifies Rice Root Response to Nematode-Bacteria Interactions in the Rhizosphere. Plos One, 2016, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0148021
14. Ying Jiang, Jiandong Chen, Yue Wu, Qiang Wang*,Huixin Li*. Sublethal Toxicity Endpoints of Heavy Metals to the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.Plos One, 2016, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0148014
15. Sun, Mingming; Ye, Mao; Shen, Fangyuan; Xu, Jingjing; Ye, Chenglong; Yu, Li; Hu, Feng;Li, Huixin*; Jiang, Xin; Kengara, Fredrick Orori.Function ofNitrate Ion Application Rates in Anerobic PAH Dissipation in Paddy Soil and Tea Saponin.Clean-soil air water,2016,44(6):667-676
16. Ying Jiang, Wenbo Zheng, Yue Wu, Yanhong Cheng,Huixin Li∗.The Interaction of Bacterial-Feeding Nematodes and IAA-Producing Bacteria in Gnotobiotic Microcosm System.2016, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci., 13,:1–6
17. 申 飞,朱同彬,滕明姣,陈 悦,刘满强,胡 锋,李辉信*。蚓粪和益生菌互作对土壤性状及番茄产量和品质的影响。应用生态学报,2016,27(2):484-490
18. 姜瑛,吴越,徐莉,胡锋,李辉信*。悉生培养微缩体系食细菌线虫提高土壤激素含量机制。生态学报,2016,36(9):2528-2536
19. 闫小梅,虞 丽,李 根,郑文波,武 俊,胡 锋,李辉信*。两种土著食细菌线虫对五种细菌的取食偏好及相关机制。土壤,2016,48(1): 82–87
20. Ting Liu, Rui Guo, Wei Ran, Joann K. Whalen*,Huixin Li*. Body size is a sensitive trait-based indicator of soil nematode community response to fertilization in rice and wheat agroecosystems. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2015, 88:275-281
21. Kechang Niu*, Ting Liu, Qirong Shen,Huixin Li*.Does body size abundance allometry in soil fauna vary with environment? A field test for nematode communities in response to fertilization. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2015,91: 268-270
22. Li Yu, Xiaomei Yan, Chenglong Ye, Haiyan Zhao, Xiaoyun Chen, Feng Hu,Huixin Li*. Bacterial Respiration and Growth Rates Affect the Feeding Preferences, Brood Size and Lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans. PLOS ONE, 2015, DOI: 10.1371 /journal. pone. 0134401
23. Xiaochen Duan, Li Xu, Jing Song, Jiaguo Jiao, Manqiang Liu, Feng Hu,Huixin Li*Effects of benzo[a]pyrene on growth, the anti-oxidant system and DNA damage in earthworms (Eisenia fetida) in two different soil types under laboratory conditions. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,2015, 34(2): 283-290
24. Li Xu, Wensi Xu, Ying Jiang, Feng Hu,Huixin Li*. Effects of Interactions of Auxin-Producing Bacteria and Bacterial-Feeding Nematodes on Regulation of Peanut Growths. PLoS ONE,2015, 10(4): e0124361.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0124361
25. Ying Jiang, Yue Wu,Huixin Li*.Immobilization of Thermomyces lanuginosus Xylanase on Aluminum Hydroxide Particles Through Adsorption: Characterization of Immobilized Enzyme. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol, 2015, 25(12):2016–2023
26. 王斌,蒋洋杨,焦加国,刘满强,陈欢,胡锋,李辉信*。蚯蚓活动对土壤氨基酸组分及含量的影响。生态学报,2015,35(14):4816-4823
27. 刘婷,叶成龙,李勇,陈小云,冉炜,沈其荣,胡锋,李辉信*。不同有机类肥料对小麦和水稻根际土壤线虫的影响。生态学报,2015,35(19):6259-6268
28. 郑文波,申飞,闫小梅,张舒玄,孙波,胡锋,李辉信*。红壤中产吲哚乙酸并具解磷作用的促生菌筛选鉴定及促生效果研究。土壤,2015,47(2):361–368
29. 姜瑛,吴越,王国文,徐文思,张振,徐莉,胡锋,李辉信*。一株固氮解磷菌的筛选鉴定及其对花生的促生作用研究。土壤,2015,47(4):698-703
30. 闫小梅,虞 丽,叶成龙,李 根,武 俊,胡 锋,姜 瑛,李辉信*。一株灰潮土解磷菌的解磷特性及其对花生的促生作用。中国农学通报,2015,31(26):150-155
31. Yue Wu, Ying Jiang, Jiaguo Jiao, Manqiang Liu, Feng Hu, Bryan Griffiths,Huixin Li*。Adsorption of Trametes versicolor laccase to soil iron and aluminumminerals: Enzyme activity, kinetics and stability studies. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2014,114 :342-348
32. Li Xu, Huan Chen, JingJing Xu, JianBo Yang, XueChao Li, ManQiang Liu, JiaGuo Jiao, Feng Hu,andHuixin Li*.Nitrogen transformation and plant growth in response to differenturea-application methods and the addition of DMPP. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2014, 177(2):271-277
33. XIAO Hai-Feng, LI Gen, LI Da-Ming, HU Feng andLI Hui-Xin*.Effect of Different Bacterial-Feeding Nematode Species on Soil Bacterial Numbers, Activity, and Community Composition. Pedosphere , 2014, 24(1):116-124
34. Tong Wang, Man-Qiang Liu &Hui-Xin Li*.Inoculation of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis B1 increases available phosphorus and growth of peanut in acidic soil. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B – Soil & Plant Science, 2014, 64:252-259
35. Mingming Sun, Mao Ye, Fredrick Orori Kengara, Ying Teng, Feng Hu,Huixin Li*, Xin Jiang. Response surface methodology to understand the anaerobic biodegradation of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in contaminated soil—significance of nitrate concentration and bioaccessibility. J Soils Sediments, 2014, 14: 1537–1548
36. 王同,孔令雅,焦加国,刘满强,胡锋,孙波,李辉信*。红壤溶磷菌的筛选及溶磷机制。土壤学报,2014,51(2):373-380
37. 金辰,孙波,赵其国,李辉信*。我国发展低碳农业的政策、法规和技术体系分析。土壤,2014,4(1):7-14
38. 徐文思,姜瑛,李引,张振,徐莉,胡锋,李辉信*。一株植物促生菌的筛选、鉴定及其对花生的促生效应研究。土壤,2014,(1):119-125
39. 王同,孔令雅,焦加国,刘满强,胡锋,孙波,李辉信*。盆栽条件下溶磷菌对花生生长的影响。土壤,2014,46(2):313-318
40. 杨剑波,李学超,徐晶晶,陈欢,刘满强,胡锋,李忠佩,李辉信*。两种硝化抑制剂在不同土壤中的效果比较。土壤,2014,46(2):319-324
1. 王同,李辉信*,胡锋,焦加国,刘满强。能将难溶性磷酸盐转化为可溶性磷酸盐的菌株B1 (ZL 201110095783.2)
2. 李引,李辉信*,胡锋,刘满强,焦加国。一种氯酚节杆菌及其应用(ZL201110333534.2)
3. 李辉信*,姜瑛,徐文思,李引,陈剑东,胡锋,焦加国,徐莉,刘满强,陈小云。一种巨大芽孢杆菌及其应用(ZL201210245861.7)
4. 李辉信*,姜瑛,徐文思,张振,李方卉,胡锋,焦加国,徐莉,刘满强,陈小云。一种贪噬菌及其应用(ZL201210246632.7)
5. 李辉信*,姜瑛,徐文思,吴越,虞丽,胡锋,焦加国,徐莉,刘满强,陈小云。一种解淀粉芽孢杆菌及其应用(ZL201210245568.0)
6. 李辉信*,虞丽,闫小梅,叶成龙,姜瑛,胡锋,焦加国,徐莉,刘满强,陈小云。一株植物促生菌及其应用(ZL201310079130.4)
7. 李辉信*,张振,徐莉,陈雄,李伟明,李方卉,焦加国,刘满强,陈小云,胡锋。一株具有荧蒽降解能力的耐盐碱产吲哚乙酸菌及其应用(ZL201310200180.3)
8. 李辉信*,穆静娟,焦加国,胡锋,葛新成,李根,虞丽,金辰,武俊,刘春亮。具有广谱拮抗土传病原菌功能的芽孢杆菌M29及其应用(ZL201510888418.5)