徐莉 xuli602@njau.edu.cn 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院土壤生态系,副教授、硕士生导师。2005/09 - 2008/06,中国科学院南京土壤研究所,土壤学,博士。2002/09 - 2005/06,南京师范大学生命科学学院,微生物学,硕士。1998/09 - 2002/06,南京师范大学生命科学学院,生物教育,学士。
污染生态学 土壤肥料学通论及实验 生态学实验
[1] Lihao Zhang, Nannan He, Dali Chang, Xiaoya Liu, Xuhui Zhang, Yuanzhou Xu,Chenyu Zhao, Jing Sun, Weiming Li, Huixin Li, Feng Hu, Li Xu*. Does ecotype matter? The influence of ecophysiology on benzo[a]pyrene and cadmium accumulation and distribution in earthworms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018,121, 24-34
[2] Jiaguo Jiao, Kun Shi, Peng Li, Zhen Sun, Dali Chang, Xueshan Shen, Di Wu, Xiuchao Song, Manqiang Liu, Huixin Li, Feng Hu, Li Xu*. Assessing of an irrigation and fertilization practice for improving rice production in the Taihu Lake region (China). Agricultural Water Management, 2018, 201: 91-98
[3] Lihao Zhang, Xiaochen Duan, Nannan He, Xu Chen, Jinli Shi, Weiming Li, Li Xu*, Huixin Li. Exposure to lethal levels of benzo[a]pyrene or cadmium trigger distinct protein expression patterns in earthworms (Eisenia fetida). Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 595: 733–742
[4] Xiaochen Duan, Xiuyong Fu, Jing Song, Huixin Li, Mingming Sun, Feng Hu, Li Xu*, Jiaguo Jiao*. Physiological and molecular responses of the earthworm Eisenia fetida to polychlorinated biphenyl contamination in soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(22): 18096-18105
[5] Li Xu, Xiong Chen, Huixin Li , Feng Hu, Mingxiang Liang*. Characterization of the biosorption and biodegradation properties of Ensifer adhaerens: A potential agent to remove polychlorinated biphenyls from contaminated water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 302(25): 314–322