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[1] 国家自然科学面上基金项目,42077047,绿肥种类调控的土壤线虫群落及生态系统功能机制,58.00万,2021-012024-12,在研,主持

[2] 国家自然科学面上基金项目,41877056,有机物质量介导的农田土壤线虫群落及生态功能研究,62.00万元,2019-012022-12,在研,主持

[3] 国家重点研发计划“南方山地玉米化肥农药减施技术集成研究与示范”子课题“南方山地玉米化肥减施增产技术优化创新”,27.50万元,2018-012020-12,在研,参加

[4] 国家自然科学面上基金项目,41771287,蚯蚓介导的土壤过程对植物生长和抗(虫)性的影响,63万,2018-012021-12,在研,参加

[5] 中央高校基本科研业务费,KYYJ201702,生物炭改良盐碱土对土壤线虫生态效应的影响,10万元,2017-092019-09,已结题,主持

[6] 国家自然科学面上基金项目,41371263,生境调控下红壤食物网结构和功能的时序变化及影响机制, 80万元,2014-012017-12,已结题,参加

[7] 国家自然科学青年基金,30900210,线虫群落对农田土壤生态功能稳定性的指示作用研究,17万元,2010-012012-12,已结题,主持


[1] Wan, B., Hu, Z., Yang, Q., Li, D., Zhang, C., Chen, X.*, Hu, F., Kardol, P., Griffiths, B.S., Liu, M., 2022. Organic amendments increase the flow uniformity of energy across nematode food webs. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 170, 108695.

[2] Wan, B.#, Liu, T.#, Gong, X., Zhang, Y., Li, C., Chen, X.*, Hu, F., Griffiths, B.S., Liu, M., 2022. Energy flux across multitrophic levels drives ecosystem multifunctionality: Evidence from nematode food webs. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 169, 108656.

[3] Gong, X., Zhang, Z., Wang, H., Li, H., Hu, F., Liu, M., Jiang, L., Chen, X.*, Ma, C.*, Synergies between heat disturbance and inoculum size promote the invasion potential of a bacterial pathogen in soil. Microorganisms 10, 630.

[4] Wan, B., Mei, X., Hu, Z., Guo, X., Chen, X.*, Griffiths, B.S., Liu, M., 2021. Moderate grazing increases the structural complexity of soil micro-food webs by promoting root quantity and quality in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Applied Soil Ecology 168, 104161.

[5] Zhang, C., Wang, J., Ren, Z., Hu, Z., Tian, S., Fan, W., Chen, X.*, Griffiths, B.S., Hu, F., Liu, M., 2020. Root traits mediate functional guilds of soil nematodes in an ex-arable field. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 151, 108038.

[6] Chen, X.#, Xue, W.#, Xue, J., Griffiths, B., Liu, M., 2020. Contribution of bacterivorous nematodes to soil resistance and resilience under copper or heat stress. Soil Ecology Letters 2, 220-229.

[7] Liu, T.#, Yang, L.#, Hu, Z., Xue, J., Lu, Y., Chen, X.*, Griffiths, B.S., Whalen, J., Liu. M., 2020. Biochar exerts negative effects on soil fauna across multiple trophiclevels in a cultivated acidic soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 56, 597-606.

[8] Li, X., Chen, X.*, Zhu, H., Ren, Z., Jiao, J., Hu, F., Liu, M., 2020. Effects of historical legacies on soil nematode communities are mediated by contemporary environmental conditions. Ecology and Evolution 10, 6732-6740.

[9] Metwally, M.S., Shaddad, S.M., Liu, M., Yao, R., Abdo, A.I., Li, P., Jiao, J., Chen, X.*, 2019. Soil properties spatial variability and delineation of site-specific management zones based on soil fertility using fuzzy clustering in a hilly field in jianyang, sichuan, China. Sustainability 11, 7084.

[10] Xu, J., Zhu, T., Xue, W., Ni, D., Sun, Y., Yang, J., Xu, L., Chen, X.*, Li, H., Liu, M., 2019. Influences of nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) and application method on nitrogen dynamics at the centimeter-scale. European Journal of Soil Biology 99, 44-50.

[11] Zhu, T., Yang, C., Wang, J., Zeng, S., Liu, M., Yang, J., Bai, B., Cao, J., Chen, X.*, Müller, C., 2018. Bacterivore nematodes stimulate soil gross N transformation rates depending on their species. Biology and Fertility of Soils 54,107-118.

[12] Liu, T.#, Chen, X.#, Qi, L., Chen, F., Liu, M.*, and Whalen, J.K., 2018. Root and detritus of transgenic Bt crop did not change nematode abundance and community composition but enhanced trophic connections. Science of the Total Environment 644, 822-829.

[13] Chen, X.#, Liu, T.#, Li, X., Li, H., Chen, F., Liu, M.*, Whalen, J.K., 2017. Soil nematode community varies between rice cultivars but is not affected by transgenic Bt rice expressing Cry1Ab or Cry1Ab/Cry1Ac. Biology & Fertility of Soils 53, 501-509.

[14] Chen, X.*, Daniell, T., Neilson, R., O’Flaherty, V., Griffiths, B., 2014. Microbial and microfaunal communities in phosphorus limited, grazed grassland change composition but maintain homeostatic nutrient stoichiometry. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 75, 94-101.

[15] Chen, X.*, Daniell, T., Neilson, R., O’Flaherty, V., Griffiths, B., 2010. A comparison of molecular methods for monitoring soil nematodes and their use as biological indicators. European Journal of Soil Biology 46, 319-324.

[16] Liu, M., Chen, X.*, Qin, J., Wang, D., Griffiths, B., Hu, F. 2008. A sequential extraction procedure reveals that water management affects soil nematode communities in paddy fields. Applied Soil Ecology 40, 250-259.

[17] 朱柏菁, 薛敬荣, 夏蓉, 靳苗苗, 吴攸, 田善义, 陈小云*, 刘满强, 胡锋. 2019. 不同土壤线虫功能团对水稻生长及地上部植食者的影响. 生物多样性, 27(4): 409-418.

[18] 靳苗苗, 胡正锟, 朱柏菁, 刘满强, 焦加国, 李辉信, 陈小云*, 胡锋. 2019. 环境胁迫对不同水分管理措施下稻田土壤功能稳定性的影响. 应用生态学报, 30(11): 3795-3803.

[19] 邓玉峰, 田善义, 成艳红, 胡正锟, 刘满强, 胡锋, 陈小云*. 2019. 模拟氮沉降下施石灰对休耕红壤优势植物根际土壤微生物群落的影响. 土壤学报, 56(6): 1449-1458.

[20] 蔡冰杰, 范文卿, 王慧, 刘满强, 于建光, 刘婷, 李辉信, 陈小云*. 2017. 不同有机物料对微域内土壤原生动物和线虫的影响. 土壤学报, 54(3): 713-721.

[21] 滕明姣, 万兵兵, 王东升, 焦加国, 刘满强, 陈小云*. 2017. 蚓粪施用方式对不同品种番茄生长和土壤肥力的影响. 土壤, 49(4): 712-718.

[22] 郭瑞华, 罗琌, 张腾昊, 刘满强, 陈小云*, 胡锋. 2017. 地上和地下植食者互作对水稻氮分配及土壤活性氮的影响. 土壤学报, 54(2): 494-503.

[23] 曾四满, 刘满强, 陈小云*, 朱同彬, 曹建华. 2016. 岩溶区和碎屑岩区林地和农田土壤氮矿化过程对比研究. 中国岩溶, 35(3): 269-273.

[24] 王楠, 陈小云*, 刘满强, 李大明, 王明伟, 李辉信, 胡锋. 2015. 红壤旱地和水田土壤用量对线虫分离效果的影响. 土壤, 47(1): 128-134.

[25] 冯运, 朱冬, 刘满强, 陈小云*, 李辉信, 胡锋. 2013. 食细菌线虫对热或铜胁迫下土壤功能稳定性的影响. 生态学杂志, 32(7): 1832-1837.

[26] 陈小云, 陈石, 刘满强*, 焦加国, 李辉信, 胡锋. 2013. 热胁迫后施用氮肥和秸秆对土壤微生物生物量及功能的影响. 应用生态学报, 24(2): 467-472.

[27] 陈小云, 郭菊花, 刘满强*, 焦加国, 黄欠如, 赖涛, 李辉信, 胡锋. 2011. 施肥对红壤性水稻土有机碳活性和难降解性组分的影响. 土壤学报, 48(1): 9-16.

[28] 陈小云, 刘满强, 胡锋, 毛小芳, 李辉信*. 2007. 根际微型土壤动物-原生动物和线虫的生态功能. 生态学报, 27(8): 3132-3143.

[29] 陈小云, 李辉信, 胡锋, 刘满强. 食细菌线虫对土壤微生物量和微生物群落结构的影响. 生态学报, 24(12): 2825-2831.


[1] 胡锋,李辉信,刘满强,陈小云,肖海峰,陶军,张树杰,王丹丹,王霞,于建光. “土壤动物与微生物的相互作用及其生态功能第五界中国土壤学会科学技术奖一等奖(2010年度,编号No. 01101201001