杨扬 yyang0335@njau.edu.cn 毕业于南京大学,现为南京农业大学土壤生态系师资博士后。
1. 杨扬,李雅洁,崔益斌,李梅*. 3中典型有机污染物对2种水生生物的急性毒性及安全评价。环境科学, 2015,36(8):3074-3079.
2. Yang Yang, Yao Xiao, Yeqian Chang, Yibin Cui, Göran Klobučar, Mei Li*. Intestinal damage, neurotoxicity and biochemical responses caused by tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate and tricresyl phosphate on earthworm. Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety, 2018, 158 :78-86.
3. Yang Yang,Yao Xiao, Mei Li*, Funian Ji, Changwei Hu, Yibin Cui. Evaluation of complex toxicity of canbon nanotubes and sodium pentachlorophenol based on earthworm coelomocytes test. Plos One, 2017, 12(1): e0170092.
4. Yang Yang, Ji Funian, Cui Yibin, Mei Li*. Ecotoxicological effects of earthworm following long-term Dechlorane Plus exposure. Chemosphere, 2018, 206: 802-808.
5. Yang Yang, Li Yang, Sun Qingye*. Archaeal and bacterial communities in acid mine drainage from metal-rich abandoned tailing ponds, Tongling, China[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 24(10):3332-3342.